United Illuminating Company

United Illuminating Company

For over 17 years, The United Illuminating Company (UI) has been a strong supporter of Gateway Community College. UI enjoys its partnership with the Gateway Community College Foundation because it believes that individuals interested in pursuing higher education should have the opportunity to do so.

In addition to the scholarships, when Gateway decided to build a new community college campus in 2011, the UI Foundation eagerly supported the project by providing funds to assist with the cost of technology and equipment for the Electrical Laboratory. This level of funding ensured that students interested in this field of work had the necessary state of the art equipment that would allow them to compete in the 21st century environment The support provided by our company allows us to take part in a small way by helping motivated and dedicated students to pursue their dreams and achieve their greatest potential.

The UI mission: We create value as a premier provider of utility and energy related services.

The United Illuminating Company is a New Haven-based regional electric distribution company established in 1899. UI is engaged in the purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and related services to approximately 325,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Greater New Haven and Bridgeport areas. UI is a subsidiary of AVANGRID.
UI’s World Wide Web address is hhtp://www.uinet.com and Social Media link: @unitedillum


The UI Company stands in solidarity with the college’s commitment to develop the assets and resources of its students. This level of commitment ultimately leads to a productive workforce that serves as an economic engine, and improves the quality of life for Connecticut residents. That’s what we want for our customers, community and the State of Connecticut. And that’s why UI invests in Gateway!
