Charles and Ann Robinson Book Scholarship for Human Service Students/Psychology Scholarship

Book scholarship book for Gateway students with a special focus towards veterans or student from a military family
● Veteran or student from a military family ● Taken at least 3 courses in psychology, sociology and/or cultural anthropology ● Participated in at least one riveting community service project in the social science/human service area that is focused on helping military veterans or a son or daughter of a military veteran or a spouse of a military veteran ● Expressed written interest in the study of social work or psychology ● Minimum GPA: 3.0

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your interest in the study of social work or psychology?
  2. Are you a veteran or student from a military family?
  3. Explain participation in at least one riveting community service project in the social science/human service area that is focused on helping military veterans or a son or daughter of a military veteran or a spouse of a military veteran.
  4. Have you taken at least 3 courses in psychology, sociology and/or cultural anthropology?
  5. If so, please upload a copy of your transcript.